Monday 14 November 2011

Story Map

  • Protagonist -  Trinity “Raven” Marshal .   Ebony Ocelot /Ebony Shadow
  • Character Goals –
Internal – Avenging her parents
External – Make the world a bit better in what small way she can
  • Dramatic Conflict - or Antagonist – The White Wolven. Main villain Fang and Sableia  
  • Theme – Revenge
  • Central Question/Statement or Premise - Can she defeat The White Wolven, and to be able to find some closure from the death of her parents.
  • Ending – Raven is seen hanging on to the edge of building with her friend Wyatt either fighting in the background trying to reach her, while Fang is stepping on her fingers.
  • Story Arc – Set in modern time, 2012, London, however does travel to and from Paris. A young woman trying to put to rest the demons from her past.
  • Story Engines – The Punisher (Marvel comics) Batman (DC Comics)

Act 1(Begin)
Her working, gaining a more of social life, doing research on her parents and her family. Ending of the Act shows The White Wolven appear in the news.

Act 2 (Middle)

Research of The White Wolven and she starts training

Act 3 (End)

Fighting The White Wolven, however finishes on Raven clinging on to the edge of a building. 

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